Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Lewis' on Video!!

I only have 2 more days until a video crew and a photographer show up at my door at 7am in the morning!! Yikes!! My family and our farm have been chosen to represent Dairy farmers from the great state of Michigan (plus 1 other dairy farm family) on a video series. What a great honor!! But also a bit stressful.
We pride ourselves on trying to keep a tidy place. But when it's going to be seen nationwide-well, you just have to take a little bit closer look. So we have been busy for the last several days making sure all is in order. We have had a bit of rain lately, so the grass just keeps growing!! Good thing we have 2 lawn mowers.
I hope to be able to take some pictures while they are here and post them on my blog. Anyway, we will put our best foot forward-and so will the cows! When it becomes available, I'll let you know. Like they say in showbusiness, Break a Leg, or maybe I should say Hoof!!

Until next time,

Say cheese!!:)


  1. Good for you and your family, Jennifer! Can't wait to see pictures! Nancy (Doug and Carol Lewis' friend)

  2. Thanks Nancy for being a follower! We are anxiously awaiting Friday!
